Baranya -mother o fwine

Baranya - mother of wine
In the eastern Croatia, bordered by two mighty rivers, Danube and Drava, on one side and the land
border with Hungary at the other, the beautiful Baranya is settled.
Since ancient times of the Roman Emperor Probus people planted vines on the slopes of the hill
Banovo Brdo, which has remained the trademark of Baranja. During history the bond between local
residents and vineyards has been so strong that the region is called "Bor anya" which in Hungarian
means "mother of wine". Baranya´s wine routes Batina - Zmajevac - Suza - Kne are
well known, and how not to be, when stories have been told about the hospitality of wine makers,
and unforgettable taste of home-made specialities ensures that guests - wine lovers - keep comming
back to Baranya.
Kneževi Vinogradi
We'll take you to the heart of Baranya, in Kne , to the largest and one of the oldest wine cellars in
Croatia, spread over two floors Belje wine cellar. After wine tasting, we'll take you through the vineyards on the
wine road to a lookout point with a beautiful view of the villages and vast acres of rich cultivated land.
Grew out of a Roman colony Ad Novas, Zmajevac (Verusmorth) is named after the medieval legend of the noble
madam called Marta Veres. It is widely known for its "surduk" - extraordinary wine streets, literally cut into the
slope of a hill. The famous winemakers Josi and offer a wine and exceptional cuisine.
A picturesque village, known since the Roman times, and landing in a place where the hill Bansko Brdo emerges
on the Danube. Impressive for its Zeleni otok , a cottage settlement in the beautiful forrest along
the Danube River, and a 30-meter monument from the Second World War, which is popularly known as "Julka”,
Batina will leave no one indifferent! At the foot of the monument a wine tasting cellar Kalazic is situated, where you can taste top quality,
enjoying the view and local specialities at the same time.
The town is first mentioned as Chuza in 1252 in the grant of King Bela IV. In the period from 1698th to the 1734th
the village was owned by Eugene of Savoy, and during the revolution 1848/49 residents are exempted from
serfdom. Today it is the agricultural village, primarily known for its fine wine of renowned winemaker Ljudevit
Kolar and delicious authentic dishes. It is interesting that a few nesting pairs of white storks can be found.

Half day excursion
Osijek - Kneževi Vinogradi - Zmajevac
We suggest:
- arrival to Osijek, the center of East Croatia
- a city tour with a local guide (Tvrđa-a famous old part of the town from the time of Turks, a beautiful promenade along the river Drava, concathedral, art nouveau street, beautiful parks...)
- driving through Baranya to Kneževi Vingradi, famoust for its wine cellars
- tour of the wine cellar and tasting several top quality wines
- ride through the wine route to the wine village of Zmajevac, known for its"surduk” - incredible wine streets cut into the hill
- lunch in the ethno-restaurant of the family Josic in Zmajevac located in the beautiful wine cellar, and known for its excellent Baranyian cuisin

All day excursion
Osijek - Batina - Zmajevac - Suza - Kneževi Vinogradi
We suggest:
- arrival to Osijek, “city on the river Drava” and a guided city tour (Tvrđa, concathedral, parks..)
-  ride to Batina, a small picturesque village on the banks of the Danube, famous for its wine roads and a
viewpoint above Danube, which offers panoramic view of Croatia, Vojvodina (Serbia) and Hungary
- wine tasting in the renowned wine cellar Kalazić, situated on  Batina´s viewpoint
- visiting the neighboring village Zmajevac, its famous “surduk” (wine streets in the hill) and, of course,
wine tasting in the widely known wine cellar Gerštmajer
- drive to neighboring village Suza and a tour of the wine cellar of Ljudevit Kolar
- lunch at one of the wine cellars, offering authentic Baranyan cuisine (fiš -paprikaš - a famous fish stew,
carp on branches, shepherd's stew, catfish goulash ...)
ride to Kneževi Vinogradi and  visit to Belje vineyards and the cellar, spread over two floors (tasting
several of award-winning wines) and heading back home

Two - day excursion
Osijek - Kneževi Vinogradi - Zmajevac - Suza - Villany
We suggest:
- a guided tour of Osijek,famoust for its promenade along Drava River, Tvrđa (Turkish fortress), con-cathedral, parks...
- short ride to Kneževi Vinogradi and visiting the „Pero´s House of Kulen“ (kulen is the famous spicy saussage) -tasting kulen and learning about its manufacture
- visiting the largest Croatian wine cellar in Kneževi vinogradi
- countinuing our way to Zmajevac and Suza, both wellknown for its “surduk” and extraordinary wines, visiting
several wine cellars (and tasting wine, of course!)
- rich lunch (traditional cuisine) in a beautiful family restaurant and wine cellar from 1935- Josić
- testing award-winning wines and a cellar tour in Zmajevac
- return to Suza and accomodation in ethno-houses Piroš čizma and Kolar
- after a home made breakfast, a short tour of the Villany wine road and visit to one of the many wine-cellars, where you will enjoy a delicious Hungarian lunch and wines, afterwords ride home